Retro Pages

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Collection Update

I'm sorry, once again my new post hasn't been a review but another collection update,
I haven't really had the time to make posts despite being on my holiday and I can't seem to get into the right frame of mind to do a review, but anyways.

I was at another bootsale today and managed to find some pretty cool stuff,
got a couple of films, LOST season 1 for £2 but no anime this time.
What I did find was a bundle of N64 games, none in particular that I would've picked out
(the only 2 I would've I owned already) but for the price they were going at I couldn't have left them!

I picked up 11 games for just £4.50!
I was pretty chuffed to have found a Super Scope
(or a Nintendo Scope as it's known over here)
Not only that but it was CIB, Manual, pieces and everything!

It really is quite a cool peripheral and all of this pretty much mint for £5,
I couldn't go wrong!

The last thing I bought today is nothing really special but it means alot to me,
My older brother and I had this game when we were younger and it just disappeared one day.
I really enjoyed it and missed it quite a bit after we lost it so I was really happy to have found this today

Quest for Camelot
For a game based on a Disney Film you wouldn't expect it to be so good and, judging from reviews, you're probably right. It's nothing really special, just a basic game but the reason I like this game so much is because of the memories behind it.
I haven't had much time to play through this game again but I will soon.

I'm really happy at all the stuff I managed to bag today, really lucky to have found it all.


Monday, 11 April 2011

Bootsale Swag

I realise that most of the posts I've been making recently have been about my collection rather than reviews of Retro Games, admittedly I haven't had alot of time on the computer as I've been going out alot more but still..
Is it a bad thing?

Anyway, I've been to another boot sale and picked up quite a bit of stuff,
I got 2 series of anime and a few manga too, I also found some Retro Items

Managed to find a Gameboy Colour for only £1 and a copy of Mulan inside
 and Advance Wars for £1.50

and F-Zero X and Jet Force Gemini £4 for the 2 :D

Pretty happy with what I found yesterday and pretty pleased with today too!

Rented Super Monkey Ball 3D and Rayman 3D for the week for just a fiver!
played em for a little bit and think they're both great, the 3D effect is pretty awkward on SMB3D though..

Anyways, will get back into the habit of reviewing pretty soon I hope..


Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Games from the Past and Duo Screen

Okay so this weekend, the creators of the anime/gaming blog Duo Screen and I decided to meet up!
We met in town and then shopped for a bit before coming back to my house to play video games and chat,
I had already met one of the creators (Caialn) before but it was my first time meeting Danwen so that was fun.

Back at mine we got to know each other more and played a few arcade games and then I watched while Caialn played Majora's Mask, we pretty much spent the whole day together and it was pretty fun!
Caialn playing my 3DS and Danwen reading my manga

Also, at another bootsale I managed to find another cool retro related item,
I picked up this Sega Mega Drive emulator console at the bootsale for only £1!
It's normally found at about £20 - £30 too so I saved quite a bit there.

It's quite a nifty console that also looks quite cool in my opinion,
It has 20 Mega Drive games on it such as Alex Kidd, Sonic and Knuckles, Golden Axe, Ecco and so forth.
Admittedly I have most of the titles on this console on other platforms like PS2 or those TV plug-in games theres only about 5 that I don't have but I don't mind a bit since it's still a cool find IMO
