Retro Pages

Sunday 27 February 2011

Quick Post

It's been a long time since I last posted, since November 13th to be exact!

I don't know what happened but I lost access to my original Blog, so I had to create a copy,
I, hopefully, will begin posting regularly again and continue with my reviews of Retro games.

Anyways, yesterday, when I got my new issue of Retro Gamer Magazine (I recommend it)
They had a section on the Nintendo 64 which is my favourite console ever.
In that section they had a check-list of every PAL N64 game in order of Rarity, I was shocked when I found out that Rocket: Robot on Wheels is under the section VERY RARE which was the highest rarity in the list.

Dubious, I decided to Google it and then check out Ebay and Amazon.
I couldn't find anything suggesting that Rocket was that rare but I found people on Ebay claiming it was.
I then checked Amazon and was shocked when I found out that the game that I had paid £6 for
(Cartridge only) had shot up to £32 (cartridge only). So I was really happy, and almost felt sorry for the sucker who sold it to me for so cheap haha :D
So I'm not too sure if it's true or not but seeing as Retro Gamer is a pretty official magazine,
I'll consider it my rarest game


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