Retro Pages

Sunday 17 April 2011

Collection Update

I'm sorry, once again my new post hasn't been a review but another collection update,
I haven't really had the time to make posts despite being on my holiday and I can't seem to get into the right frame of mind to do a review, but anyways.

I was at another bootsale today and managed to find some pretty cool stuff,
got a couple of films, LOST season 1 for £2 but no anime this time.
What I did find was a bundle of N64 games, none in particular that I would've picked out
(the only 2 I would've I owned already) but for the price they were going at I couldn't have left them!

I picked up 11 games for just £4.50!
I was pretty chuffed to have found a Super Scope
(or a Nintendo Scope as it's known over here)
Not only that but it was CIB, Manual, pieces and everything!

It really is quite a cool peripheral and all of this pretty much mint for £5,
I couldn't go wrong!

The last thing I bought today is nothing really special but it means alot to me,
My older brother and I had this game when we were younger and it just disappeared one day.
I really enjoyed it and missed it quite a bit after we lost it so I was really happy to have found this today

Quest for Camelot
For a game based on a Disney Film you wouldn't expect it to be so good and, judging from reviews, you're probably right. It's nothing really special, just a basic game but the reason I like this game so much is because of the memories behind it.
I haven't had much time to play through this game again but I will soon.

I'm really happy at all the stuff I managed to bag today, really lucky to have found it all.



  1. ho boy a super scope! I really need to go to more boot sales, there's so many hidden treasures.

  2. Yeah man! I coulda gotten an unboxed one too, it was the first one I saw there but the guy owning it was selling it 'with the console' with a PS1... wtf.. haha

  3. Well someone's mixed up their gaming knowledge.
